In the temperary society, it is no longer a topic if people has the ablility to read and write, since it has long been a necessary to survive in this world. However, the “reading ability” I refer to is not confine to ‘know the word’, but has the ability to understand behind the words. To what extent people understand the auther’s purpose, and how much they can take in are the problem I want to talk about. In this essay, I would like to explain this in two reading catergories-acdamic reading and literature reading.
In my acdamic study, reading is definitely essential to aquire knowledge, since almost all textbook, course materia and internet information are word-based. To understand the knowledge, not only do I need understand the word, but it is necessary to have certain acdamic backgroud. For instance, I must learn basic math formular and roles to understand an advace math text book. In other word, the extent of how well we learned from previous study contribute a lot in our further study progress. In my major field, the ability to read accouting report, professional lauguage related to economic and accounting analyze is essential. To gain this reading ability thereby could standing out in the compititive job maket, the only thing I could do is study hard and learn from the very basic thing.
. As for the literature reading, the ablity to understand is more related to the person’s experiences and understanding of the world. There are an old saying goes, a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes, even reading the same book, people may get extreme different understanding. Compare to acdamic article, literature book is more likely to be wrote in an abstract way, in other words, there are always more behind words. Every story has a deeper meaning, either a critical reflection of social problem, or auther’s personal philosophical understanding about world. This reading ability is also important, for it is widely related to a person’s character.
To be brief, reading literacy is the abiltiy we understand the word-based aritical, not only the suface meaning, but the deeper thought expressed by the auther.
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