Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The kind of media presuasive to me
I am the kind of person prefer more visualize and interesting media format rather than long and logic articles. and if the advertisement can touch me by its idea and also well-designed, I will be definitely impressed. The genre can be various from an advertisement to short video, it does no really matter if it is a format of telling story or just a serious of impressing pictures, it will be persuasive for me if I can find something new or creative idea in it.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Literacy Assignment Self-reflection
During the passed a couple of weeks' of hard work, finally I have finished the literacy assignment, which includes five blog entry and a group map. In this self-reflection essay, I would like to give a brief recall of how works has been done as well as explain my role in our group map creation.
Remember at the first time I heard about the assignment, I completely had no idea what I should write about. The word "literacy" was unfamiliar to me, and it seems that at the level we are talking about, it even has a wider meaning besides "the ability to read and write". I was not sure what is the exactly meaning of it, thus could not decide what literacy I should write about. To solve the problem, I went to Google and Wikipedia. Typing in the word ''literacy", it gave me the idea that the modern literacy is no longer confined to "read" and "write", everything associate to helping us "understand" and "communicate" with outside world can be treated as a literacy. There is also a list of example, such as computer literacy, multimedia literacy, etc. This search helped me a lot when brain storming my own literacy encountered in life, and finally I have choose computer, emotion, multimedia, music and reading as my own life literacy in my blog entry writing.
As for our group map creation, the first thing we considered was what should be on the map. Since the concept of literacy is so broad, it is hard to decide what aspect we should use. so I suggested that we may first draw our own literacy map individually. Since each one has different assets and there also must be some common point between us, we may then get our individual map connected to draw a bigger one by showing these common point as well as differences. However, when this idea went to practical operation, problem comes out. For one may list general literacy such as "sports", "music" while others may concentrate in the extreme detail in a specific field, we find it was difficult to combine each person's map. To solve this problem, we write a temple in the Lab class indicating what type we are about to use, thus every one should follow this type when thinking of his or her own map.
The next problem coming to us is the how to draw the map. I have done a research on internet trying to find some good map temple we could use. The search proved difficult, for the temple I found was either too complex or too simple. I then remembered the map of Disney world which I was traveling during spring break. There are five big theme parks in magic kingdom, each one show its own characters and also have connection with others. Isn't it a good temple we could use? The idea then got totally approved by other members in my group.
In one of the lab classes, we collected each one's individual map and made a comparison to them. After overall considered the landscape of the Disney world map, we finally decided which literacy we should indicate in the map and where to mark them in the map. I am the person in charged of the final drawing of the map. It was not hard, since the blueprint has already in my mind after the group discussion.
During this assignment working, not only have I got a deeper understanding of literacy, but also learned the importance of team work. It is by the contribution of each group members that we finally finish this map assignment!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Multimedia literacy

Monday, March 23, 2009
Emotional literacy

Having the ability of express emotion is what distinct human from animals. We laugh when we feel happy and cry when we are sad. Living in such a human society, emotional communication is so important. We must know how we feel and communicate them to get emotional support and understanding from others, as well as showing our support and understanding to them. That is also the way we build our human relationship.
Can you easily identify the emotional information of others? Can you precisely communicate your own feeling? However, to be sensitive to those emotional feelings are of great importance when dealing with human relationships.
In temporary society, people tend to hide his or her real feelings by many reasons. For example, when you indeed get angry with someone, you are most likely to just pretend everything is fine to avoid the embarrassing situation. But imagine you are occasionally be the chairman of a big company and the person angered you are one of your employees, how could we expect he or she still has the chance to be promoted? But if he or she realized that you got angry and make remedy in time, he or she will definitely have more chance earn your favor again. That is why being sensitive to emotional change making the corresponding adjustion is sometimes crucial in our life.
Being sensitive to other’s emotional change is what make you succeed in your career and also be a popular friend. You know when to say the right word, do the right thing and when to quit in the proper time. People around you never feel uncomfortable, and they will thought you are rather considerate and intimate person. That is why learning emotional literacy is that important in our life.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Music literacy

Music is not only composed by humans, it can be heard everywhere in our nature. Do not trust me? Just have a deep breath in the early morning, close your eyes and listen it by heart! The bird is singing , the leaves are weaving..Can you feel the wind touching your face and whispering in your ears? When you listen this by your heart, you may find yourself getting so close to the nature, and may gain deeper understanding of our world and your own life, which you never thought of before.
Reading literacy

In the temperary society, it is no longer a topic if people has the ablility to read and write, since it has long been a necessary to survive in this world. However, the “reading ability” I refer to is not confine to ‘know the word’, but has the ability to understand behind the words. To what extent people understand the auther’s purpose, and how much they can take in are the problem I want to talk about. In this essay, I would like to explain this in two reading catergories-acdamic reading and literature reading.
In my acdamic study, reading is definitely essential to aquire knowledge, since almost all textbook, course materia and internet information are word-based. To understand the knowledge, not only do I need understand the word, but it is necessary to have certain acdamic backgroud. For instance, I must learn basic math formular and roles to understand an advace math text book. In other word, the extent of how well we learned from previous study contribute a lot in our further study progress. In my major field, the ability to read accouting report, professional lauguage related to economic and accounting analyze is essential. To gain this reading ability thereby could standing out in the compititive job maket, the only thing I could do is study hard and learn from the very basic thing.
. As for the literature reading, the ablity to understand is more related to the person’s experiences and understanding of the world. There are an old saying goes, a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes, even reading the same book, people may get extreme different understanding. Compare to acdamic article, literature book is more likely to be wrote in an abstract way, in other words, there are always more behind words. Every story has a deeper meaning, either a critical reflection of social problem, or auther’s personal philosophical understanding about world. This reading ability is also important, for it is widely related to a person’s character.
To be brief, reading literacy is the abiltiy we understand the word-based aritical, not only the suface meaning, but the deeper thought expressed by the auther.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
computer literacy

Literacy is definitioned by the meaning of the ability of understanding, interpreting and creating everything that carries meanings. When being asked what kind of literacy do I have, the first one that come into my mind is the computer. But why is so? Just have a look at my single day of life: getting up in the early morning, the first thing I will do is to switch on my laptop, check the email, look at morning news, and check face book to see if there is something new happened among my friends. Then when taking the whole day of classes, I also carry my laptop. I would like to do this because taking notes on laptop is far more efficient and clear. Using laptop, I can also look at PPT without having to seat in front of the classroom to get a clear look at the screen.when finishing classes, I spent the rest hours of the day surfing Internet, using Microsoft-office software to do my homework and chatting online.So how could I imagine a day to survive without the help of computer? And I believed the situation is just as same as mine for the whole modern society. Especially for our generation, computer is just like a daily necessity we use and it also act as a platform connecting the whole global world. As for me, I go shopping, get connect with my family and do almost everything one can imagine on Internet. To keep up the pace of world where globalization accelerating in a fascinating speed, the master of computer literacy is not a additional skill but a basic requirement. However, the well proficiency in computer may also be treated as an asset, since employers are more willing to hire individual who can use computer helping their company runs in a cheaper and faster way. I take computer class since middle school, and still working hard to improve it. The well up in Microsoft-office software and surfing information ability help me a lot in both academic study and daily life.
Monday, March 2, 2009
What is literacy?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Genre memo
From: Bofei Wang
Date: 03/01/2009
Re: Genre Memo for “Genre portfolio”
In this genre portfolio assignment, the three types of genre I choose to write was movie, novel and TV show. In this memo, I would like to give a brief introduction to each of them.
The first genre I wrote was a movie. As everyone knows, movie has become an important part of our life, since it can provide great visual entertainment. Base on its content and purpose, movie can be divided into several categories- comedy, history, scary, ect. For it involves almost every aspect of life, each kind of people can find something he or she interested in. By using properate background music, light and shot angle, a movie can give a strong touch to its audience. Although the technique of theme production can be various from movie to movie, one thing is always in common, that is, the intendence of telling people something. A good movie is attractive not only by its plot, but also has the ability to leave its audience in deep thinking. The one I wrote is a suspense moive, which is a quite typical one in that type. There is a puzzle at the beginning of the story, someone dead, and the whole movie is to trace the killer and to find the truth. People who like logical thinking and adventure may enjoy it a lot. The thing make this movie especial is that it also combines religion and philosipy thought, which make the movie of great depth.
The second genre I choose is a novel. It can be the most common literature in our society, since it is often a lot of fun reading them. Novel always record a complete story, which has main character while the whole story developed surround it. The focus of the content may differs from history to individral life while its audience can be covered in every age and social position. A novel is a reflection of writer’s thought, it is his or her personal view about life. Reading a novel is like reading a person’s inner world- no matter the story is real or not. The novel I choose is a rather ridiculous one, but there is more behind the story. Just like novels of this genre, it satirized certain problems existed in temprol society. For the purpose of novel in this kind is always let people realize something they often see it blind, it’s aimed audience is just normal citizens, especially educated individrals.
This last genre is a TV show. It is a kind of entertainment TV program we watch everyday. There is always a host and several rater, every time it invited different people on show to present them. Many audience may on the spot and give their support to the player. It is quite a popular show, since people whoever seeking relax in his or her leisure time may enjoy it. The one I write in this paper is a talent show, and its purpose is to make ordinary but talented people reach their dreams of becoming super star. The form is typical but its idea is quite a new wave in Chinese TV show history.
Bofei Wang