Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A normal day of my life

Time flow quietly and quickly these days, for I have been in Michigan State for almost half a year, the scene I was leaving Beijing airport and say good bye to my family was just like happened yesterday. Life there was so peaceful and regular. Everyday just repeat itself but quite fulfilled.
I run a pretty regular time schedule this semester. I wake up 6:00 am everyday and eat my breakfast on 7 am, my classes are all arranged before 2 pm, thus I have plenty of time to do whatever I want after class. Normally, I take a snap after finish my class which could make me energetic afterwards. I am quite an internet addict and would like to spent the whole afternoon in front of the laptop, surfing the Internet, watching movie online or chatting on QQ. I am just quite used to living in that virtual world and enjoyed myself in it. I am also quite a active girl, I go to gym almost every night, playing table tennis, swimming in the poor or working out in the fitness room. I feel good and pressure released after doing these, and could better concentrate on my academic study later at night, which is the time I usually do my homework and review things. Going to bed before 12am, I can always find myself energetic the morning of next day.
Healthy and regular life style contribute a lot to the efficient study as well as good impression we give others. My life here is like what I described above, quiet but fulfilled, which I enjoy I lot.

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