Friday, February 13, 2009

Children Know Everything

Just as an old Chinese saying goes: everyone was pure when he or she was born. As a child, we used to judge things only by "good" or "bad", in our mind, policeman can always be treated as hero and criminals will always be punished. We laugh whenever feel happy and cry for any tiny sadness; We show sympathe to begger and think everyone should be treated equally, no different between wealthy and poor, white and black.
However, we learn things as long as we grow up. We learn how to deal with complicated human relationships and know the "exist role" living in this society, which is do better than others-no matter at what cost. We may smile to someone we hate, make friends with him or her only for certain profit purpose. One can never find what others thinking about from his or her face, since everyone hide his ture thought and only communicate on "surface". We know that there is no absolute good and bad, people may be punished not because he or she did something harmful to society, but only has some profit confilction with current government.
As an adult, we indeed learned a lot. But can we say we know the world better than a child? We thought we know every skills in this society, but don't we feel tired by knowing all of these? Do we feel lonely even in a noisy crowd? The world should not like this! Maybe it is the children who know everything about ture life, which filled with love and sincere. Just living and thinking in the simplest way,

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