Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ralationship beween language and perceiving the world

Language is a tool that we commuicate with outside world. When we form an idea, it is the words and sentences that come to our mind. One the other hand, we aquire knowledge only by learning a certain language convey that information. The whole thought and belief of human world are built on the fundamental of language, our culthure, the concept of economic, ect. This is also belived by Mikhail Bakhtin, who says”Without the word, there is on world”. That is also to say, the language system in which we educated and think, shapes the way we perceive the surrounding world, And relatively, people in different language system learn things in different ways.
Despite of a few talented individral who owns a visual-base of thinking mood, most of citizens think in a verbal way, thus altering us the importance of laugugae education-which is essential for our children to better understanding the world.

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